Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jiao Gu Lan Tea


Jiao Gu Lan Tea is known as the 'Southern Ginseng' because it comes from the southern part of China and it tastes similar to the ginseng. Sounds simple? Yes but there's more.

This tea has anti-aging properties and also anti-cancer. It reduces inflammation and helps to rid cough. This tea is especially good for those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. The tea will lower and balance blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. It will also reduce blood sugar. According to www.herb.com, Jiao Gu Lan Tea "decreases cholesterol by improving the liver's ability to send sugar and carbohydrates to the muscles for conversion to energy instead of turning the sugar into triglycerides which the body stores as fat."

One of the best things about this tea is that it can cure headaches and insomnia. It's is good for old folks who tend to have sleeping problems.
That's not all. This tea helps improve the body's digestive system. It is best taken after food because it helps digestion which can help an underweight person absorb nutrients and gain lean muscles. It reduces heatiness and increases metabolism rate which is suitable for those who are trying to lose weight. This is because the tea detoxifies the body and washes out blood fats from the body.

At Fuyogi, we carry this tea in three different packaging.
250g - SGD$16.80 (Code:901)
100g - SGD$8.00 (Code: 902)
20g - SGD$1.50

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